Using TaskWarrior

Taskwarrior is a command-line linux application which is both simple to use and highly complex to configure. Below are some easy examples to get your feet wet.

Create and Manipulate Tasks

To add a simple task:

task add mow the lawn

To add a more complex task:

task add Mow the Lawn project:HomeMaintenance due:2017-04-01 +lawncare

Notice that this creates a task which is assigned to a particular project and has an assigned Year-Month-Day due date with an associated tag. Due dates can also be assigned naturally, such as due:1d for one day from now, or due:2month for two months from now.

The wonderful feature of taskwarrior is that it attempts to be smart about how

To list your tasks:

task next

This report will list the next actions. The wonderful feature of taskwarrior is that it attempts to be smart about what you need to do next. It will assign a numerical weight based on if a task is tagged, assigned, to a project, near a deadline, has a defined priority, or is overdue. These all combine to show which actions are listed next.

task list

This will list all open tasks

task timesheet

This will list a timesheet of all tasks which have been completed during this workweek.

task summary

This will produce a bar chart of the progress you have made according to each open project.

To complete a task: Find out the number using the "task list" or "task next" commands and then you can modify it.

task 1 done

This can also be used with multiple tasks at once.

task 1 2 3 done

To modify a task:

task 1 modify TYPE ANY CHANGES

To delete a task:

task 1 delete

A 30-second tutorial can be found here For more detailed instructions, the official documentation is here

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