Agenda Maker

This is a long project I developed over the course of over a year to wrap all of the essential productivity needs of a Pastor (or anyone really) into one document. I began thinking about how paper is a much better medium for productivity than computers because paper is far less distracting. I sought to come up with a system that provides all the benefits of technology to the medium of paper.

Overview of the System

By the end of the process you will have a system which takes your input from your cell phone and creates a daily report which automaticall prints out. This paper is a double-sided dashboard of daily and weekly tasks, with whitespace for you to add notes. You will be able to see the tree and the forest at the same time. It contains calendar, to-do list, weather, and a verse of the day. The idea is that you can take the paper with you and mark on it, strike out items, whatever you like. Then, at the end of the day you can make these changes on the computer. This allows you to be electronics-free during the day if you wish, and still feel like you know everything which is coming up.

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